Product Description
Everyone's individual preferences vary of course.
While almost all of our pick set contents have been suggested by our customers over the years, it is always true that each set contains some tools some customers may not have chosen for themselves, plus other contents they may not have desired to add.
Because of this it is not uncommon for a customer to ask "can you substitute this for that" in our existing pick set products? (Sorry no, they are already built and it messes up our inventory system.)
Recently some very experienced lock pickers worked together as a team to propose the contents of this set to us as their consensus of "the perfect basic set" for beginners. We thank them for their creativity, the investment of their time, and their desire to help others. We also appreciate their bringing their recommendations to us.
We accepted their list of contents, but put the contents in a larger case allowing room to add additional contents as that "beginner" grows in their skills.
Because of reduced packaging and fulfillment costs, all of our pick Sets are discounted 10% or more compared to the sum of their individual retail costs. Retail cost of this set would be $120.00 So a person who likes the basic Mayor's BASIC SELECTION OF TOOLS can save money as they create their "perfect" customized every day carry set by adding only a few of their own favorites! The team who created this set will also save you money if you make your own personal custom set!
It seems this "Mayor" can look out for the needs of ALL the city's citizens!
Contents include the current "I Like Bent" tension tool set, a Peterson .050" PryBar, a Peterson .040" PryBar Lite, four of the Government Steel .025" picks: The Hook 1, Hook 3, Bogie 1, and C7 Sine Quint. Also three picks in the .018" Government Steel: The Hook 1, Hook 4, and Peterson Gem.
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Peterson picks will change your game!
I'm a new picker and I've used two famous youtubers pick sets...and they are very nice and work well but....when I watch them pick sometimes they use a purple handled pick and I finally got the name off a screenshot from the video and it's peterson. I'm an orange belt trying to move to green with an Ace 527 lock but having a hard time with it. I got my set in the mail10 mins before this review and could tell the handles are very very rigid just by feel. I broke out the Ace 527 lock and one of my new peterson hooks and I opened it in 30 seconds. I can feel EVERYTHING in the handle without even resting my middle finger on the neck of the hook. I'm upset it took me so long to figure out peterson is the best. A little more expensive than other sets but trust me....pros use them for a reason and after you feel their picks, you WILL TOO!
Great first pick set
Although I’m still relatively new at this, I have found this pick set to have nearly everything I need. I appreciate the multitude of tension tools. Most sets come with way more picks than tension tools, but I’ve found that I can achieve better results having this wider variety of tension options. The case is a little bulky, but I’d rather have a larger, padded case that protects my tools than one that’s too thin and flimsy. Also, there is enough room to add a few more of my favorite picks and bypass tools. Overall it’s a great product and I highly recommend it, especially if you’re just starting out and want a solid set with all the tools you need to practice and improve your skills.